Custom Therapeutic Class Series - Mondays

Do you ever wish someone would design a yoga class just for you? Do your injuries or physical limitations prevent you from participating as much as you’d like in class? Do you wish the teacher had more time to show you alternative movements and modifications? We have the answer! A Custom Class offers you the benefit of working with a yoga therapist while continuing to enjoy a class setting. And space is limited, so you’ll get the personal attention you need.

When you register for this 7-week series, you will fill out a health form, from which Joanne will design a movement program specifically for you. She will teach you the program in class, and help you with each movement in every class.  You will also receive a copy of your program to take home so you can practice as much as you’d like. As your ability to do your program improves, she will adapt it and introduce new movements to ensure optimal progress.

Mondays - January 11 to March 21
1:30-3:00 PM
$330.00 + HST
for 11 week series


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